Creative Director
Motion Design

Stage Graphics
3D & 2D
RSA Conference Keynote 
The Human Element 2020

RSA contacted Kevin Zhu and I to concept, design and deliver the opening visuals for the RSA Confrerence 2020 at Moscone Center in San Francisco. The opening keynote reflected the conference’s theme. The Human Element, and was delivered by Star Trek alum George Takei on stage, February 24, 2020. 

Creative Direction

The visuals followed closely to the keynote’s distinct narrative, focusing first on the individual as a single point and then building to focus on the strength and ability of the creative collective. The impressive aspect of 10260x1080 and use of body projections made this project an exciting design challenge.

Aristostle told us that we’re rational animals seeking knowledge. Confucious added that we are also benevolent... Oh my, I hope that’s true.

Psychologists say that when we grow up in a group or family, we seek to be like one another, but we also seek to be different.

Every mind in this room, works in its own unique way... Each thought is informed by your genetic disposition, your environment, life experiences, race, gender, age, beliefs, brain chemistry.

A beloved Star Trek acronym, I.D.I.C. stands for infinite diversity in infinite combinations. Some of you are hunters you seek out facts, others are gatherers collecting and sharing intelligence...

Together you protect us from destructive attacks... No matter what differentiates you, you are united by a common purpose, preventing, detecting and responding to threats.

I ask each of you to think about your personal human element. Are you an idealist or an altruist? A mentor or a student? A rebel or a collaborator?

If we are benevolent about our differences, we can boldly go where no one has gone before.  Open your mind to the people you meet in the coming days... Live long and prosper

RSAC Livestream

Our close friend and collaborator Cody Samson created the soundscape and mneumonics that tied the entire immersive experience together. Watch the full keynote with sound here.


RSA Conference

Creative Direction,  Design & Animation
Melissa Miyamoto-Mills
Kevin Zhu

Sound Design
Cody Samson

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