Brand Design, Motion Design

Trusted Pioneers of Adtech

Essence Global is an Adtech company. Their mission — to radically improve the value and relevance of advertising for brands and people. Pioneers in modern marketing, they use data science (AI and ML) to enhance the strategy and creativity of their partners campaigns. With 18 locations around the globe, they’re perhaps the most relevant brand you’ve never heard of.

Ueno was hired to rebrand the media agency from the ground up. Our team reshaped their brand purpose and messaging, and together refreshed the brand identity and digital experience. My specific roles on the brand team for this project included logo iteration, typography studies, brand animations and providing motion consultation for our devs.


Illustrator,  After Effects, Lottie 

Brand Identity

From big ideas to minute details and data points, Essence’s services are end-to-end and their insights are continuously updating. The variable character weight logotype and its animation are a reflection of their core brand offering.

Tech Brand vs. Culture Brand

Essence both shapes how technology is implemented and how culture is consumed. This tension was represented with a technical logo contrasted with an elevated editorial style for the brand language, leveraging big and beautiful display typography.


Essence Global

Strategy & Copy
Megan Miller

Brand Creative Director
Aaron Poe

Product Creative Director
Peter Reid

Design Lead
Brendan O’Connor

Design & Animation
Melissa Miyamoto-Mills

Product Design
Chris Reath

Geir Landrö

James Rice, Troy Stains


© 2024